Robots.txt Generate
is a text file that is used to control how web crawlers, also known as spiders
or bots, interact with websites. It is a set of rules that determine which
parts of a website a spider is allowed to crawl, and which it should skip.
Robots.txt also provides instructions to search engine bots on how to index a
website. Robots.txt files are used by webmasters to give search engine bots and
other web crawlers information about how to interact with their websites. They
allow webmasters to control which pages a search engine bot can and cannot
crawl, as well as provide other instructions for how to index and interpret the
content on a website.
Robots.txt generator for Blogger
files are especially useful for large websites, where it can be difficult to
control the behavior of search engine bots and web crawlers. By using a
robots.txt file, webmasters can give bots detailed instructions on how to
interact with the website. This can help to ensure that content is properly
indexed, and that web crawlers are not wasting time crawling content that is
not useful. Robots.txt files can also be used to control the behavior of bots
on a website. For example, they can be used to limit the amount of time that
bots spend crawling a website, or to prevent certain types of bots from
crawling certain parts of a website.
Robots.txt generator Google
Overall, robots.txt is a powerful tool for webmasters to control how search engine bots and web crawlers interact with their websites. By using a robots.txt file, webmasters can ensure that their websites are properly indexed, and that web crawlers are not wasting time crawling content that is not useful.How to generate robots.txt for Google blogger
Generating a robots.txt file for your Google Blogger blog is a relatively simple process. Below are the steps you need to take in order to generate a robots.txt file for your blog.1. At first you should Log in to Blogger account.
2. Select the blog that you want to generate a robots.txt file for and click on the “Settings” tab.
3. Under the “Settings” tab, scroll down to the “Search Preferences” section.
4. Click on the “Edit” link for the “Crawlers and Indexing” section.
5. Go to the Google Blogger setting option and find Custom robots.txt” section, then click the “Yes” radio button.
6. In the text area below, you can enter the directives you want the crawlers to follow. For example, you could enter “User-agent: *” to allow all crawlers to access your blog.
7. Once you’ve entered the directives, click the “Save Settings” button.
Your robots.txt file is now generated and you can view it by visiting your blog URL followed by /robots.txt. For example, if your blog URL is, you can view the robots.txt file by going to